The European driver: CO2 emission reduction targets

*Actual reduction in the emissions of all greenhouse gasses as of 2021 (latest available data for Italy) vs 1990.
Source: Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Emissions Trends:

Renewable energy sources share in electricity consumption

Evolution of installed wind and photovoltaic power capacity: 2010-2023 and 2030 target (GW)

*Provisional data. Terna data


the electricity system’s ability to withstand changes in its operating status following sudden disturbances, without violating the system’s operating limits.


the system’s ability to satisfy electricity demand while complying with safety and quality of service requirements.

qualità del servizio

Quality of service
the ability to ensure the continuity and quality of service.


the system’s ability to withstand stresses above its set limits and to return to normal operating status, possibly with temporary actions.


the ability to operate the electricity system in compliance with the requirements of security, adequacy and quality, at the minimum total cost to the citizen/user.

RES IntermittencyRES Intermittency Reduction of adequacy margins
Increasing periods of over-generation
Increasing steepness of residual evening ramp
RES geographical distributionRES geographical distribution Increasing grid congestions
Growing system operation challenges, due to growing Distributed Generation
RES technical characteristicsRES technical characteristics Reduction of system inertia
Reduction of resources providing frequency and voltage regulation
Extreme weather eventsExtreme weather events Increasing risk of local disruptions
Icon of Renewable Energy Sources

Accelerate the development process of generation capacity from Renewable Energy Sources (RES)

Icon of Network infrastructures

Network infrastructures necessary to increase the transmission capacity to enable and manage safely the increase in RES generation

Icon of new forms of flexibility

The system needs to foster the development of new forms of flexibility (e.g., storage system) to enable the integration of intermittent energy sources

Icon of System operator

System Operator activities need to guarantee the adequacy of the system also during the transition phase, to be able to continuously fulfil energy demand