Surname and Name
Investee company1
Number of shares held at the end
of the previous year (2022)
Numbers of shares purchased
(in 2023)
Numbers of shares sold
(in 2023)
Numbers of shares held at the end
of the year 2023

The information regarding Bosetti Valentina, Donnarumma Stefano Antonio, Baldino Antonella, Canalini Valentina, Corsico Fabio, Faella Alessandra, Ferri Giuseppe, Giannotti Paola, Carbone Ernesto, Shen Qinjing, Porcelli Gabriella, Fantini Raffaella, Simone Vincenzo, Massimiliano Ghizzi, Maria Assunta Damiano relates to the period until 9 May 2023. The information regarding the other persons relates to the period after 9 May. As a result, the Company is not aware of share purchases and sales completed after the end of the term of office.

Following the changes in the management team in 2023, the scope of Key Management Personnel also changed. As a result, the number of shares notified by previous and current KMP in 2023 was initially 425,308 and then, again in aggregate form, 303,191. The Company is not aware of share purchases and sales completed after the end of the term of office.

1. Terna S.p.A. and its subsidiaries.

2. In this column - added to Form 7-ter of Annex 3A provided for in art. 84-quater, paragraph 4 of CONSOB Resolution 11971/99 - shows if the shares are held under ownership or a pledge, are held in usufruct, have been deposited, lent or borrowed, etc.

3. Grant free of charge on 9 May 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.

4. On 23 January 2023, the Director, Ernesto Carbone, resigned with immediate effect, following his appointment, by Parliament in joint session, as a member of the Consiglio Superior della Magistratura. As a result, the Company is not aware of share purchases and sales completed after the end of the term of office.

5. Shares already held by Francesco Beccali before 1st September 2023, the date on which he was appointed Senior Executive with Strategic Responsibilities.

6. Including n. 45,120 purchased in compliance with the One-off Bonus for 2023 and n. 48,178 resulting from the grant free of charge of Terna’s ordinary shares on 1st June 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting Period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.

7. Sale for the purposes of sell to cover with regard to the grant free of charge under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023”.

8. Including n. 19,454 purchased in compliance with the One-off Bonus for 2023 and n. 51,390 resulting from the grant free of charge of Terna’s ordinary shares on 1st June 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting Period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.

9. Grant free of charge on 1st June 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.

10. Including n. 19,437 purchased in compliance with the One-off Bonus for 2023 and n. 40,148 resulting from the grant free of charge of Terna’s ordinary shares on 1st June 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting Period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.

11. Including n. 17,731 purchased in compliance with the One-off Bonus for 2023 and n. 20,074 resulting from the grant free of charge of Terna’s ordinary shares on 1st June 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting Period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.

12. Including n. 15,590 purchased in compliance with the One-off Bonus for 2023 and n. 45,673 resulting from the grant free of charge of Terna’s ordinary shares on 1st June 2023 following the conclusion of the Vesting Period, as provided for under the “Performance Share Plan 2020-2023” approved by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 18 May 2020.