After news of the first contagion in Italy we set up a "Crisis committee" chaired by the Chief Executive Officer to monitor the emergency as it developed, ensure the safe continuation of business and dialogue with the stakeholders. The Committee is in continual contact with the Civil Protection Department, the authorities, trade unions and major Italian companies.

Among the initiatives adopted since 23 February 2020:

  • communication to employees residing in the affected municipalities of the urgent measures to contain the contagion regarding their suspension from work, with the consequent provision not to go to their places of work;
  • suspension of in person training activities;
  • suspension of business travel not essential for business continuity;
  • instruction to personnel not to go to the workplace if they have flu symptoms, but to contact their doctor;
  • publication and distribution of the rules drafted by the Italian Ministry of Health and the Italian Higher Institute of Health on the behaviour to be adopted for the prevention of Covid-19 contagion;

As soon as news of the first contagions in Italy arrived we implemented the instructions of the company doctor on the access of shift operators to control rooms. Among other things, the body temperature of operators is measured using thermal scanners before they can enter the control and dispatching centres, special sanitisation measures and a new shift system have been introduced. Backup control and remote operation rooms have also been activated as alternatives to the main ones.

Special tests have been conducted to consolidate our operating capacity (as regards control and remote operation), including scenarios where a control centre or one or more power lines are unavailable or lacking. As part of the continual update and discussion with the Ministry of Economic Development, Terna was identified by the Ministry as a point of reference for local producers with problems regarding relations with the Civil Protection Department and management of emergency works.

From the outset Terna acquired all the necessary protective equipment (FFP2 masks, latex gloves, protective coveralls) to guarantee continuity of the control rooms by ensuring the presence of personnel under adequate safety conditions for at least 10 days, conditional to the critical procurement issues of healthcare facilities. Periodic, thorough sanitisation of sites and construction sites is now fully operational.

Already from 26 February 2020, at the offices in Northern Italy, smart working was introduced for 100% of office personnel, and was then gradually extended to cover, from Friday, 13 March 100% of the company personnel not involved in direct operations, except for some corporate structures providing essential services or unavoidable service requirements.

At this time we are progressively and safely returning to working in the office again with an average daily share of administrative employees on the premises equal to 40% and the remaining 60% working remotely (data updated to the third quarter of 2021).

With a view to improving work-life balance and thanks to the adoption of a hybrid model, Terna has expanded the offer of alternative physical spaces to use instead of private ones by inaugurating two Smart Hub-Working locations in Rome, which can be booked through the company Intranet or directly from the dedicated app.

Terna launched the internal Sicuri Insieme (“Safe Together”) campaign which, in addition to keeping the focus on prevention through awareness and information initiatives, provides for the possibility of undergoing a molecular swab test on site, once a month and free of charge. As of September 2021, employees can also book a serological test on site to check the level of antibodies developed after their vaccination cycle. During the third quarter of 2021, the first 650 serological tests were carried out in the Rome offices. In addition, the 2021 flu vaccine campaign for Terna employees and their adult family members was launched in November.

Biosafety Trust Certification

Biosafety Trust CertificationIn July, the effectiveness of the measures adopted by Terna to prevent and mitigate the spread of infections caused by biological agents, in order to protect human health, resulted in our Rome headquarters receiving certification of its Management System for the Prevention and Control of Infections, in accordance with the Biosafety Trust Certification standards published by RINA.

The certification develops a set of reference best practices to minimise the risks of spreading epidemics in public and private areas where people gather and is based on the systemic approach of the ISO standards on management systems.

Terna has underwritten specific "Covid-19" insurance coverage for all its employees, active from 14 March to 31 December 2021. Among other things, the policy provides a daily allowance from the eighth day of hospitalization; a convalescence allowance and a post-hospitalization care package to better manage health recovery and household management.

In person training has been suspended, with the exception of urgent training provided in teleconference mode.

To guarantee maximum use of the possibility of smart working, laptop computers and Internet connectivity equipment have been provided to almost the entire workforce. Equipment assigned to managers of operational structures across Italy has been supplemented with satellite telephones and additional SIM cards.

Further strengthening of Internet connectivity infrastructure and protection measures from possible cyber attacks has been implemented in part by optimising remote VPN (Virtual Private Network) access infrastructure, with a view to maximising resilience, thanks to the close collaboration of ICT (Information & Communication Technology) and company security structures.

The Crisis Committee has approved two donations to the Civil Protection Department, at the forefront of the emergency, for the purchase of PPE (masks and gloves) and ventilators for intensive care.